Obbligato planters and furniture for a modern lifestyle.  

Contemporary planters, furniture and accessories for commercial spaces.

Obbligato Planters Water features Seating Mosaic tables Accessories Ash Trash units Portfolio Contact
Commercial projects
New products
Planters at Alberton City Shopping Centre - Alberton

Planters at Alberton City Shopping Centre - Gauteng

Furniture at Musgrave Mall - Durban

Furniture at Musgrave Mall - Durban

Flat slat timber bench at Melrose Arch

 Melrose Arch - Johannesburg

Retail space with cone planters
2021 Obbligato Portfolio

For price lists and details on how to order send us an email
or contact us on Tel: +27 31 701 6565

Portfolio of work completed
Commercial projects

We have supplied a number of high profile shopping centres with furniture, including benches, planters and ash and trash units.
Many of the items manufactured by us for these projects have been designed by the client / architects / designers to suit the specific design of each environment.


 Current and completed projects include:




 Cape Province



  • Ermelo Mall - Ermelo

  • Mafikeng Mall - Mafikeng

  • Matlosana Mall - Klerksdorp


Some of the images shown for custom made items are merely to demonstrate items manufactured by us. The design/intellectual property may be credited to the client if we were not involved in the design of the items manufactured.


Obbligato Decor cc   Tel: +27 83 271 6376  info@obbligato.co.za

Company Details Social Responsibility Product Care and information Sustainability      

Please Note: This website including all images and drawings © Obbligato Decor cc