Obbligato planters and furniture for a modern lifestyle.  

Contemporary planters and accessories for a modern lifestyle.

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F Range planters
Round metal planters
Bubble pots
BubbleX pots
Mosaic planters
JAPI planters
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Round Fibreglass range of planters Mosaic planters Mosaic Bubble Pot JAPI Planters
Obbligato Mosaic planters
Bubble pot

To supply cost effective planters in place of our fibreglass range of planters that we no longer manfacture, we have the privilidge of supplying JAPI planters to our clients.

This range is well priced, making great design accessible to everyone's budget, made from recycled material and offers unique finishes in shapes that contemporary. READ MORE...

Obbligato planters   Obbligato Planters

Obbligato mosaic planters are available in various styles, sizes. The planters are bespoke and made to order to suit specific applications and environments if required, working in conjunction with architects and interior designers.

The planters are ideal for low maintenance plants such as succulents, cacti or architectural plants.

Send an email to info@obbligato.co.za for a price list.

F Range of planters Bubble pot Range of planters BubbleX range of planters Round Range of planters Mosaic Range of planters

For price lists and details on how to order send an email to info@obbligato.co.za or contact us on the number below.

Mosaic planters
Grow bags

Obbligato Decor cc   PO Box 420 Sedgefield  6573  South Africa  Tel: +27 83 271 6376     info@obbligato.co.za

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Provenance, authenticity and longevity matter

Please Note: This website including all images and drawings © Obbligato Decor cc