Obbligato planters and furniture for a modern lifestyle.

Contemporary planters for a modern lifestyle.

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Mosaic planter

*obbligato / obli'gahtoh/ adj said of a musical part or accompaniment: not to be omitted. [Italian obbligato obligatory, past part. of obbligare to oblige, from Latin obligare]

*Definition from The New Penguin English Dictionary


ob-bli-ga-to (ob-li-ga-to) adjective - not to be left out; obligatory (used of a musical part or accompaniment that is considered prominent but usually ornamental).

**Definition from www.wordsmyth.net

Want more information? - Please fill in our contact form and we'll provide prices and answer all questions

Send an email to info@obbligato.co.za for price lists.


The 10 Commandments of Good Products - although not specifically about furniture or decorative products, it highlights the essence of what good products should be



We make bespoke mosaic planters, tables and wall murals.We also supply accessories including placemats, mirrors andother customised items.


Considered, handmade and unique items have come to mean so much more in our new world - the habit of decorating your space with objects for the sake of it is no longer meaningful.To be comfortable spending more time in our homes or favourite places then they need to have meaning. They need to be interesting. They need to hold one's attention and be unique.

That's the space we want to to work in.


So, should you have any projects that you wish to discuss we would love to chat.

Send us an email for the updated price list - info@obbligato.co.za

Featured Products

Murals and wall art

Mosaic wall murals - unique bespoke murals made to any size or design - read more...

fish mosaic
Mosaic wall mural

Obbligato has the privilege of supplying JAPI planters to our clients.
This cost effective range offers unique finishes and shapes that we identify with. READ MORE...

JAPI_Rustic Round

Obbligato Decor cc   PO Box 420 Sedgefield  6573  South Africa  Tel: +27 83 271 6376     info@obbligato.co.za

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The Gardener magazine